Right, I've got my actual ticket now - this is a bit more like it! On Tuesday 4th March I'll be cruising out of shiny, spanking new St. Pancras station on the Eurostar, en route to Paris.
Most of my waking life is now spent perfecting the look of indifferent, urbane European nonchalance that I'm going to need for all the sitting around in street cafes that I'm planning to do. It's quite tricky to get right actually - I'm considering buying a beret and a stripy jumper to up the authenticity a little bit. I'll keep you posted.
I've managed to while away the time a little more efficiently over the last couple of weeks, through the simple tactic of getting absolutely hammered whilst on slightly random nights out. This has involved:
- Dressing up like a transvestite and wandering the streets of Bristol for a T-themed fancy dress party (surrounded by Thor, Tweedle-Dum, Tweedle-Dee, Tin Tin and a man-sized bottle of tequila)
- Narrowly avoiding a fight with an angry drug dealer in Brighton who thought I'd spilled my drink on him (thanks a lot Jonny), in an overcrowded student pub, whilst being serenaded by a pirate rock band
- Gatecrashing a friend's (frankly belated) staff Christmas party, on a Wednesday night, and somehow managing to drink until 3am at a random lock in, which resulted in me having to pull an unconvincing sicky on one of the few days left of my notice period. Whoops.
You may have noticed a common theme to these otherwise random events. They all involved drunkenness, and they all depleted my funds.
The funds I'm going to sorely need for my travels.
I might try experimenting with sobriety this weekend.
As well as the Eurostar ticket (which I managed to pick up for about £40!), I've also booked the hostel I'll be staying in for the first couple of nights. Looks trendy. Check it out here.

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